Yesterday's Seattle Post-Intelligencer had a story entitled "Idaho to other states: take my wolf, please." The story discusses Idaho's efforts to deal with the recent Obama administration decision to put off the delisting of the gray wolf. Of note:
Moscow Republican Sen. Gary Schroeder, who owns a fur-trading business in northcentral Idaho, introduced a predator giveaway bill in the Senate Resources and Environment Committee on Monday that he says could reduce Idaho's Rocky Mountain gray wolf population to a manageable level by offering them – live – to other states.
UPDATE: The Powell Tribune reports that Wyoming officials are considering numerous options regarding the gray wolf's status under the Endangered Species Act. More litigation is a significant possibility, according to the Wyoming Wool Growers Association's Bryce Reese: "If the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delists in Idaho and Montana, but not Wyoming, 'We will sue,' said Reese. 'We will challenge that in court.'"