You are invited to a DEBATE on Monday, June 14, in Sacramento:
"Fish, farmers and the Constitution: Are the feds' regulations to help the Delta smelt unconstitutional?"
This debate is sponsored by the Federalist Society of Sacramento, the Presiding Justice Robert K. Puglia Chapter.
Federal Endangered Species Act regulations to help the Delta smelt have led to dramatic cuts in water pumping to the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California. Are those regulations unconstitutional?
DAMIEN M. SCHIFF, an attorney with Pacific Legal Foundation, and lead lawyer in PLF’s lawsuit against the Delta smelt regulations, will argue that the regulations are unconstitutional, violating Commerce Clause limits on federal power.
RICHARD FRANK, environmental law specialist on the faculty of UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall), will argue in favor of federal authority to issue regulations to protect Delta smelt.
Where: California Chamber of Commerce, 1215 K St., 14th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814.
When: Monday, June 14, Noon to 1:30. THIS EVENT IS FREE OF CHARGE.
More information, or to RSVP, contact Patty Lee at ">, (916) 419-7111.