Author: Joshua Thompson
There has been a lot of great coverage of PLF's excellent settlement with the Los Angeles Unified School District, whereby LAUSD agreed to eliminate its race-conscious Teacher Integration Transfer Program. Here's a snippet from the Los Angeles Daily News:
Wednesday's announcement by the Pacific Legal Foundation signified attorneys were satisfied with LAUSD's decision.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the American Civil Rights Foundation.
"It grossly shortchanges the taxpayers, not to mention our students, when teachers are assigned on the basis of race, gender, and ethnic politics rather than competence," Ward Connerly, a former UC Regent and political activist said in a statement. "This legal settlement and the merit-based teaching that it encourages in the LAUSD are major benefits of Proposition 209."
You can read the rest of the article here. For more information on the case and the settlement, please view PLF's webpage on the case here.