New Federal Trade Commission economic liberty website

March 17, 2017 | By CALEB TROTTER

This week, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched an exciting new website for its recently formed Economic Liberty Task Force. Aside from signaling how serious the FTC’s Acting Chairman, Maureen Ohlhausen, is in using the commission’s resources to advocate for occupational licensing reform, the website will also serve as a valuable resource for reformers. For example, the task force is collecting various studies, articles, papers, legislation, and other relevant sources, and making them available in one place on the website. Going forward, academics, politicians, litigators, and others should be able to reference the collection of materials produced by various experts in the field to address the licensing issue of the moment. To assist the FTC in compiling material for the website, you can send your ideas and materials to EconLibertyTaskForce<at> Kudos to the FTC for creating the site and I look forward to monitoring its progress and putting it to use.