Pacific Legal Foundation Files First Prop. 207 Lawsuit in Arizona


Yesterday the Pacific Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit against the city of Flagstaff, Arizona, demanding compensation on behalf of four residents of the city who are subject to a new city ordinance that forbids them from renovating their property as they had planned. This is the first case to be filed under the Arizona Private Property Rights Protection Act, also known as Proposition 207, which passed with an overwhelming 2/3 vote at the general election last November. Here is PLF's press release, and here is a backgrounder that explains the case in more detail. The Pacific Legal Foundation is very proud to help defend the property rights of Arizonans.

Here is news coverage from the Arizona Republic, from the Arizona Daily Star, from KVOA Tucson, and from KNAZ Flagstaff.

Update: here is the story in Flagstaff's Arizona Daily Sun.