PLF clients to appear on Fox News


Author: Joshua Thompson

PLF Clients George and Sharlee McNamee will appear on the show Fox & Friends tomorrow morning, February 24, at 5:44 a.m., PST

The McNamees own a beachfront home along Corona Del Mar Beach in Newport Beach, California.  They have lived there for about three decades.  The McNamees, like their neighbors, own a portion of the beach at the foot of the beach cliff (the homes are located at the top of the cliff).  On the privately owned portion of the beach, they have over the years installed a few small amenities, such as a shower and bathroom, storage lockers, built-in barbecue, palapa, and floral arrangements, all at or near the base of the cliff. 

The Coastal Commission issued a cease-and-desist order against the McNamees in May, 2004, contending that all of the above-described amenities are unpermitted development.  In addition to contesting the cease-and-desist order’s conclusion that the amenities require a permit, the McNamees also sought an after-the-fact permit.  The Commission, at its July, 2005, meeting, denied the after-the-fact permit.

PLF attorneys are representing the McNamees in their fight against the Coastal Commission.  Please watch and support the McNamees tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, you can read more abouth their case here.