Victory for free enterprise
PLF started the new year off right with an important victory in the Texas Supreme Court. In a victory for PLF’s Free Enterprise Project, the Texas Supreme Court ruled against an expansive view of premises liability. As PLF attorney Wencong Fa explains in this blog post, “The law should encourage businesses to install smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and other improvements; it should not make businesses indefinitely liable for them.”
Feds finally act on the manatee petition
In another victory for PLF this week, the US Fish & Wildlife Service downlisted the manatee from “endangered” to “threatened.” PLF filed two separate lawsuits to get the USFWS to do what it long agreed to do, but they finally did the right thing. However, this isn’t the end of the story. Christina Martin explains the victory and what to expect in the future in this blog post.