Supreme Court grants review of all three Florida Obamacare petitions

November 14, 2011 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

The Supreme Court has announced that it will hear all three sections of the Florida case. Since there are two groups of plaintiffs in the Florida case, they and the defendants all petitioned the Supreme Court; the justices combined all these petitions and will allow extended oral argument.

The Court took no action on the Liberty University, Thomas More, or Virginia cases.

You can read our briefs in these cases here:

D.C. Federal District Court:
Sissel v. HHS (more info at our case page)
Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

– Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and Virginia District Court
Virginia ex rel. Cucinelli v. Sebelius (case page)
Amicus brief supporting plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment (Commerce Clause, Necessary & Proper Clause, Taxing power)
Amicus brief on appeal (focusing on standing)
Supplemental letter brief (focusing on tax power)

Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Florida v. HHS (more info)
Amicus brief on Commerce and Necessary and Proper Clauses

District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals
Seven-Sky v. Holder (more info)
Joint amicus brief with other pro-freedom organizations on Commerce and Necessary and Proper Clauses

Arizona Federal District Court
Coons v. Geithner (more info)
Amicus brief supporting summary judgment, focusing on IPAB

Supreme Court of the United States
Thomas More Law Ctr. v. Obama
Amicus brief supporting certiorari

Virignia v. Sebelius
Amicus brief supporting certiorari

Florida v. HHS
Amicus brief supporting certiorari


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