An Agricultural Labor Relations Board regulation allows union organizers to "solicit support" on private property for three hours a day and 120 days per year. A federal court will soon decide whether to enjoin the Board from enforcing the regulation against PLF's clients --- two California agricultural businesses that have experienced disruptive p ...
Yesterday a federal district court denied PLF's motion to enjoin the ALRB's Union Access Regulation. As you may remember, the regulation allows union organizers to conduct disruptive protests on the private property of agricultural employers in California. PLF represents two California businesses in a federal challenge to the regulation. The A ...
PLF is continuing its fight for property rights. Earlier this year, PLF filed a civil rights lawsuit that sought to enjoin enforcement of the ALRB's access regulation, which allows union organizers to conduct protests on private property for three hours per day. As PLF argued in its pleadings, the regulation amounts to an uncompensated taking of pr ...
In Cedar Point Nursery v. Gould, PLF represents California businesses that want to make productive use of their land. Together, the businesses employ around 3,000 Californians and produce millions of dollars for California's economy in the form of oranges, table grapes, and strawberry plants. Unfortunately, an Agricultural Labor Relations Bo ...
We recently filed our Ninth Circuit reply brief in Cedar Point Nursery v. Gould. The case involves a challenge to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board's access regulation, which allows union activists to invade private property for three hours a day and 120 days per year. In its opposition brief, the ALRB argued that the access regulation surv ...