
Eminent domain as a bailout

June 11, 2012 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

Some local governments in southern California are considering using eminent domain to condemn "underwater" mortgages, so as to allow people who bought houses they can't afford to continue living in those houses; the whole scheme funded with money raised by yet more government indebtedness. As long-time PLF friend Gideon Kanner explains on his blog, ...


Bailing out from Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act

March 09, 2012 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Ever since the Supreme Court's decision in Northwest Austin, it appears as though bailout is actually a real option for some jurisdicitons. This is a welcome development, but Section 5 is still unconstitutional.  I discussed the constitutionality of Section 5 at Stanford Law School in January.   ...