
PLF and CEO model brief on racial contracting preferences

November 07, 2017 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

About seven years ago, then PLF attorney Sharon Browne co-drafted a model brief with Roger Clegg of the Center for Equal Opportunity. The model brief is intended to be used by attorneys looking to challenge government policies that require race-based contracting preferences. … ...


Contracting preferences, the 49ers, and Proposition 209

April 25, 2013 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

This morning we learned that some “civil rights groups,” — i.e. groups that think skin color should factor into government decision making — have complained to the City of Santa Clara, the NFL, and, the San Francisco 49ers, that there are too few minority-owned contractors doing work on the 49ers new stadium.   To be clea ...


Race-based contracting is unconstitutional

April 09, 2013 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

So argues this op-ed that I co-authored with Roger Clegg published in the Washington Times this morning.  Here’s a snippet: Remedial discrimination makes less and less sense with every tick of the clock, as the days when black companies were not allowed to compete fade into the past, and as America becomes increasingly multiethnic and multi ...


PLF counsels the Council to not use race

February 12, 2013 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

PLF and our friends at the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO) frequently send letters to local governments that are considering whether to adopt discriminatory race- and sex- based contracting preferences.   These letters urge local governments to refrain from classifying individuals on the basis of race.   Local construction contracts should g ...


Three cheers for the Charlotte Observer

April 11, 2012 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

The Charlotte Observer takes the Charlotte City Council to task for planning on adopting a race-based city contracting policy.  It seems that the City Council spent $300,000 on a consulting firm to determine whether Charlotte could constitutionally create race-based set-asides.  When the answer came back, “no,” the City Council spent ...


PLF's Ralph Kasarda on KOGO discussing Caltrans' contracting quotas


Tonight, on KOGO, am 600 (San Diego’s leading am radio station), PLF Attorney Ralph W. Kasarda will discuss PLF’s challenge to the race- and sex-based quotas that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) employs in contracts for federally funded road and highway projects. Kasarda is scheduled to join host Chris Reed, on KO ...


The "race" for stimulus money


Author: Ralph W. Kasarda The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law by President Obama just over a year ago, on February 17, 2009.  The Recovery Act distributes $787 billion dollars through tax benefits, contracts, grants, loans and entitlements.  Soon after the Recovery Act became law, an argument emerged that the s ...