
President’s weekly report — March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016 | By ROB RIVETT

Property Rights -- Coy Koontz gets paid!!!!  In the "you can't get something for nothing" category, the St. Johns Water Management District finally paid the Coy Koontz estate $602,000 for the temporary taking of the Koontz property. While it was only 22 years late, Coy Koontz has finally been vindicated. As you recall, we took Koontz v. St. Joh ...


Join PLF's Timothy Sandefur & the Rio Grande Foundation to celebrate Milton Friedman's legacy

July 28, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

I'll be speaking at the Rio Grande Foundation's annual Milton Friedman Day celebration, at the University of New Mexico Law School in Albuquerque on Thursday. More information here. ...


A watered down victory for equality under the law in Tennessee

April 12, 2013 | By ANASTASIA BODEN

This week the Tennessee House of Representatives passed a bill that bans the state government from granting race and sex preferences.  What should have been a victory for proponents of equality under the law became a nonissue when the bill was amended at last minute to prohibit preferences granted "solely" on the basis of race or sex.  Race- an ...


Setting academic achievement goals based on skin color is a “race” to the bottom of educational policy


Individuals should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.  Most children learn that famous line from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech at an early age.  Unfortunately, children in Florida public schools are going to learn a very different lesson by 2018. This month, the Florida Departm ...


Equality under the law; not economic equality

September 04, 2012 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

At PLF, we support equality under the law.  Indeed, we have a whole project area dedicated to it.  This should NOT be confused with ecomonic equality.  Our friends at FEE, the Foundation for Economic Education, put together this nice video explaining why economic equality is not desirable. ...


Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 16, 2012 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We are celebrating a man who gave his life to liberty and equality under the law.  For someone born in 1979, in northern Wisconsin, it is hard for me to imagine that less than 50 years ago, Dr. King was leading a march on Washington to end segregationist policies that blatantly denied African-Amer ...


BAMN’s legal silliness

March 04, 2010 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Mindingthecampus has an excellent article on BAMN's (a radical group that supports racial preferences By Any Means Necessary) ridiculous lawsuit against Proposition 209. The article points out that the lawsuit is nothing more than attempt to smear Ward Connerly, a man who has made it his mission to champion equality for all races. An excerpt: ...


What does "reverse discrimination" mean?


Author: Joshua Thompson Discrimination.  Period.  With respect to race, it means treating certain people differently because they have a certain favored or disfavored skin color. I am often dismayed by opponents of racial preferences (opponents of discrimination), or proponents of equality under the law, when they use the the term " ...


"The Battle for Equality"

November 11, 2009 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Author: Joshua Thompson That's the title of a new article in California Lawyer, a magazine sent to me for free as an active member of the California bar.  But this is not just an article in a magazine.  California lawyers who read the article, can answer a few questions about it, send in a check for $29, and receive credit tow ...