
PLF files comment on regulation of privately-owned animals under the ESA

March 26, 2014 | By JONATHAN WOOD

This week, PLF filed a comment on a USFWS proposal to remove an exemption for captive orcas from regulation under the ESA. You may recall that this began with a PETA petition to list Lolita, an orca who entertains at Miami’s Seaquarium. The Service decided that the petition demonstrated that Lolita should be regulated under the … ...


Can Fido be regulated under the Endangered Species Act?

January 27, 2014 | By JONATHAN WOOD

Last week, the National Marine Fisheries Service announced its intention to grant a petition to regulate Lolita — an orca whale that has lived at Miami’s Seaquarium for more than 40 years — under the Endangered Species Act. As PLF’s Liberty Blog previously reported, PETA petitioned to have Lolita regulated under the act with ...