
Uber, Lyft, VRBO, and the value of economic liberty

October 13, 2014 | By ANASTASIA BODEN

I was recently interviewed on the Power and Market Report about Uber, Lyft, VRBO and other innovations which are providing consumers with excellent new services.  Naturally the old regime is not pleased, and has taken to lobbying state legislatures to step in and ban the competition.  I discuss PLF's efforts to fight anti-competitive laws which h ...


Lyft, Uber, and the sharing economy creates new opportunities for entrepreneurs

October 26, 2015 | By RAYMOND NHAN

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti promised in his State of the City address this past April that Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing companies would be allowed to pick up passengers at LAX by the summer. This promise drew thunderous applause from the audience. It's now October...and passengers still cannot use these services. Unsurprisingly, the regul ...