
School choice, union power, and Obamacare

January 20, 2016 | By WENCONG FA

I will be on the air for another round of radio interviews this week. On Thursday morning, I’ll be talking about the Montana case and our Obamacare challenge with Pastor Greg Young. You can listen live here at 8:00 a.m. PST tomorrow morning, and you can listen to the recording here. Then Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. PST, I … ...


Supreme Court Justices and Members of Congress will discuss Sissel case this week

January 12, 2016 | By TODD GAZIANO

After five-and-a-half years of litigation and advocacy by PLF, Matt Sissel’s constitutional challenge to ObamaCare will be reviewed and discussed at the highest levels of the federal government, at least in the two branches not headed by someone named Obama. In short, Sissel’s constitutional challenge will be discussed this week by Just ...


President’s weekly report — December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015 | By ROB RIVETT

School choice supported in Montana PLF sued the Montana Department of Revenue to fight a rule that forbids children who want to attend religious school from getting scholarship assistance. In May 2015, Montana became the 43rd state to adopt a school choice law. The law creates a tax incentive for individuals and businesses to donate money to  ...


Obamacare’s violation of the Origination Clause should not go unredressed

December 29, 2015 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

Today, we filed the final paperwork asking the Supreme Court to take our lawsuit on behalf of Matt Sissel, which argues that the Individual Mandate “tax” is unconstitutional because it originated in the Senate, instead of the House of Representatives, as the Constitution commands. We filed our original petition in October, and after a m ...


PLF to participate with members of Congress at press conference on Sissel v. HHS Obamacare challenge

December 01, 2015 | By SHAUNEEN WERLINGER

Todd Gaziano, Executive Director of PLF’s DC Center, will join Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and Rep. Rob Bishop at a press conference tomorrow at 3:15pm EST in room H-137 of the U.S. Capitol. The press conference will announce the filing of an amicus brief by the Congressmen and 43 of their colleagues that urges the … ...


Senators, Congressmen, States and others urge Supreme Court to take PLF Obamacare lawsuit

November 30, 2015 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

During the Thanksgiving holiday, several prominent members of Congress, ten state governments, as well as several national civil rights groups filed amicus curiae briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the justices to hear our lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare. You’ll recall that our case argues that if the Individual ...


Matt Sissel explains "why I'm taking a stand against Obamacare"

November 04, 2015 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

PLF client Matt Sissel explains in today’s Washington Times why he’s continuing to challenge the constitutionality of Obamacare. Excerpt: I’m simply an average man taking a stand. I’m a self-employed artist and small-business owner, living in Washington state. I have no political involvement or ambitions. I am also a real ...


President's weekly report — October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015 | By ROB RIVETT

Obamacare back to the Supreme Court We filed our petition for cert in Sissel v. United States this week, asking the Supreme Court to take the case.  As our blog explains, when Justice Roberts upheld the law because it was a “tax” and not a “penalty,” we realized that if the individual mandate (as well … ...


UPDATED : Andy Caldwell discusses PLF’s Obamacare petition at the Supreme Court

October 29, 2015 | By ANASTASIA BODEN

Tune in today at 4:30 pm PST to hear Andy Caldwell and I discuss PLF’s Obamacare case, which the Supreme Court will consider taking up this term.  We’ll also be discussing some of PLF’s occupational licensing cases and our Economic Liberty Project—which defends the right of entrepreneurs to earn a living free of irrational ...