PLF client John Duarte joined the crew on Fox and Friends this morning to talk about being prosecuted by the Justice Department and the Department of the Army under the Clean Water Act, merely for plowing his company's farm: The five-year ordeal culminated in Duarte Nursery settling with the government for $1.1 million to avoid the risk of a ...
In light of Joe Robertson's appeal of his Clean Water Act conviction to the U.S. Supreme Court, readers might be wondering if any foot-wide ditches on their property are also "navigable," as the EPA imaginatively re-interprets that word. As it turns out, the answer depends on what state you live in. Here's what you need to know: In 22 state ...
PLF client Joe Robertson lives deep in the Montana woods at the edge of a national forest, an area increasingly prone to destructive, life-threatening fires. The only available water supply to fight fires near his property is the couple of garden hoses of flow in a foot-wide, foot-deep nameless channel that flows through a clearing near his home. J ...
Good schools for all – regardless of race Florida court sides with NIMBYs and against property rights Indiana Supreme Court loses its way in public trust doctrine case Corps cannot treat permafrost as navigable waters EPA ignores PLF advice on CRA and WOTUS Good schools for all – regardless of race Representing seven famil ...
Last year, following President Trump's executive order directing EPA to rewrite its disastrous 2015 regulation which magically redefined millions of acres of dry land across the nation as federally protected navigable waterways, PLF offered EPA some advice, not only on how to rewrite the rule to make it conform to the limits of the Clean Water Act, ...
PLF won an important case in the Supreme Court of the United States last week, holding that our clients have the right to sue the EPA over its 2015 "waters of the United States" regulatory land grab in federal trial courts across the nation. This ends EPA's 30 month delaying tactic of litigating over which court we are allowed to see the agency in, ...
Motion for summary judgment to be filed in Minerva dairy -- the better butter case PLF testifies before Congress on WOTUS PLF files amicus brief in union free speech case Reply Brief filed in Markle; SCOTUS to consider case on January 5th Petition asks the government to protect homes by holding Coastal Commission accountable for ...
New lawsuit challenging ESA overreach WOTUS at SCOTUS on Wednesday An end to mobilehome park fight in Palo Alto Opposing another legislative tax-limitation end-run, this time in Arizona Motion for Judgment attacking unconstitutional permit fees New lawsuit challenging ESA overreach This week we filed a complaint challenging th ...
caption id="attachment_46257" align="alignright" width="300" The Treasure State/caption Today Pacific Legal Foundation asked the Ninth Circuit to accept an amicus brief, written on behalf of Mike and Chantell Sackett, as well as John Duarte and Duarte Nursery, supporting the defendant in United States v. Joseph David Robertson. The issue we comm ...