On Monday, February 8, 2016, at 1:30 p.m., Pacific, I’ll be presenting at oral argument before the 9th Circuit in support of our challenge to the closure of over 90% of the user-created motorized travel routes in Tahoe National Forest. The argument will be held in Courtroom 2, on the 3rd floor of the James R. Browning U.S. Courthouse, located at 95 Seventh Street, San Francisco, California 94103.
The United States Forest Service failed to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) when it refused to gather site-specific data on the impacts to the human environment of the massive route closures, thereby making it impossible to conduct an analysis of the alternatives. An alternatives analysis has long been considered by courts as the heart of the NEPA process. The briefing was completed almost two years ago, but only now are we being given the opportunity to explain to the court face-to-face our concerns that the Forest Service has illegally closed forest access to all but the most able-bodied among us. Padlocking public land in such a way is not right, and it’s not legal. More information about the case can be found here.