Trailer Park Residents Vow Fight to The End on Saving Homes

August 07, 2006 | By PACIFIC LEGAL FOUNDATION reports on the residents of two trailor parks being threatened with eminent domain for the benefit of private industry:

Borough officials have been trying to invoke eminent domain to evict 200 residents of two trailer parks located on Route 46 east to make way for a strip mall and upscale senior housing….

The plan is to replace the trailer parks with an upscale, gated senior community complete with a theater, swimming pool, community center and 242 housing units. About 12,000 square feet of retail space would be available along the highway.

The borough receives between $200,000 and $250,000 in tax revenue from the trailer parks, according to officials.

After the redevelopment, those revenues would increase to between $2.2 million and $2.4 million….

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