Back to School Choice Week 2016 round-up

August 29, 2016 | By WENCONG FA

PLF is committed to giving parents and students a meaningful choice in education. That is why PLF attorneys work year-round to ensure that families are able to send their children to the best school to fit their educational needs. PLF attorneys litigate on behalf of those families, share their stories, and celebrate their success. We continued to do so last week with a PLF original: Back to School Choice Week. Here’s a quick round-up:

On Tuesday, Joshua Thompson kicked off Back to School Choice Week. Meanwhile, I defended charter schools from an unprincipled attack by TV host John Oliver.

On Wednesday, Joshua Thompson detailed the sad end to Vegara v. California, a case that highlights the need for school choice in California.

On Thursday, PLF Communication Director Harold Johnson teamed up with Joshua to record this podcast on Back to School Choice Week. In the podcast, Joshua discusses many of our school choice cases, including PLF’s efforts to end racial discrimination in St. Louis schools.

On Friday, Caleb Trotter explained how the Philadelphia School District is (once again) trying to prevent charter schools from growing.

Back to School Choice Week is over, but don’t think for a second that PLF’s school choice litigation has concluded as well. Just today, PLF filed a Ninth Circuit brief — on behalf of parents and schools — in our Montana school choice case. That’s just one of many PLF school choice cases — and we look forward to sharing updates in all of our cases with you over the coming months.


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