When Congress asked Pacific Legal Foundation for advice on how to reform one of our recent government adversaries, we were more than happy to oblige. The House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy held a hearing Thursday on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a uniquely unconstitu ...
It isn't often that a government agency sandbags a program that Congress has entrusted it to execute. But that's the case with the Department of Education (DOE) and the federal Charter Schools Program. Instead, DOE has radically upended its own process to make it harder, if not impossible, for most would-be charter schools to receive the federal fu ...
Most politicians won't soon forget the pandemic-restriction backlash against governors and state officials that became evident after the November 2021 elections. And there is a high likelihood of that sentiment continuing this November in state elections. Elections are often referendums on government policy. Lesson learned? Perhaps. But elections c ...
For all matters of government policy, there's usually someone to praise or blame. When it comes to agency rulemaking, however, it is not often so clear who's responsible. A new bipartisan bill in front of Congress could fix that. With federal regulation, all executive action should, in theory, be consistent with law and reflect the policy goals ...
Four years ago, no one would have believed that the administration of former President Trump would have been defined, in part, by major criminal justice reforms. The bipartisan First Step Act rightfully made plenty of headlines and received praise from across the political spectrum. But one executive order in the final days did not garner much atte ...
It's not often that you have to prep for a Supreme Court argument and congressional testimony in the same trip, but such was the case for PLF attorney Wen Fa. With short notice, Wen was asked to testify at a March 18 hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. He had already traveled from S ...
Although Governor Andrew Cuomo's intentionally false reporting on COVID deaths in nursing homes last year is shameful by itself, it also highlights a larger problem with emergency orders issued by governors alone without other checks. While there are now over a dozen New York State senators who want to limit the governor's emergency power, the S ...
Thanks to a last-minute veto by President Donald Trump on January 1, dozens of American family fishing businesses will be saved from going out of business, and the ocean ecosystem will be better protected—both of which were being threatened by a bill that was more rhetoric than science. In mid-December, Congress passed S. 906, the Driftnet Mod ...
In the ever-changing landscape of the pandemic, one constant theme is government overreach. Since the early failure to control the outbreak, government executives have overcompensated by taking a risk-averse, iron fist approach, rather than looking for ways to mitigate or temper regulations to minimize the economic hardship that also kills. In M ...