On Brown v. Board of Education's anniversary, PLF continues to fight for racial equality

May 17, 2016 | By RAYMOND NHAN

Today marks the 62nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education. In Brown, the Court unanimously rejected the sordid notion of “separate but equal,” and prohibited the government from treating students differently on the basis of race.

Unfortunately, Brown‘s mandate of racial neutrality is not self-executing. Sixty-two years later, we are still fighting against racial discrimination. One example comes from St. Louis, where a government-funded transfer policy allows white students living in the county to transfer to public schools in the City, but prohibits black students from doing the exact same thing.

Edmund Lee is a third-grade student at Gateway Science Academy, the only school he has ever attended. Edmund has excelled at Gateway, where he has maintained a 3.79 GPA. That is why when Edmund’s family moved into a safer community in the suburbs, Edmund’s mother asked if Edmund could continue his education at Gateway. She was shocked to learn that, although Edmund could have continued at Gateway if he were white, he would be prohibited from enrolling because he is black. PLF has filed a lawsuit asking a federal court to end discrimination in St. Louis, and allow Edmund to remain at Gateway for the fourth grade.

Sixty-two years after Brown, America still needs patriots who are willing to fight to enforce Brown‘s mandate. PLF has been, and will continue to be, on the forefront in fighting for racial equality.


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