caption id="attachment_49691" align="alignright" width="300" Alfred Hitchcock planning sequel to The Birds featuring bureaucrats from south Florida and helpless property owners in the role made famous by Tippy Hedren./caption This past week Cato Institute, Southeastern Legal Foundation, and the NFIB Small Business Legal Center filed amicus ...
caption id="attachment_45295" align="alignright" width="300" Birds > private property rights in some courts./caption Yesterday, we learned the Florida Supreme Court denied review of our Ganson v. City of Marathon regulatory takings case. We've previously written about the case here, here, here, and here. In a nutshell, government officials ...
caption id="attachment_43608" align="alignright" width="300" The Beyer family/caption The Miami Daily Business Review, "your leading source of daily legal and business news in South Florida,"* recently published a PLF op-ed about our Ganson v. City of Marathon case. The piece, titled Family That Was Rooked for a Rookery Asks for Help From Supr ...
caption id="attachment_43479" align="alignright" width="300" Gordon Beyer with grandson./caption Pacific Legal Foundation reviews hundreds of regulatory takings cases a year. Often we cannot take a case, for any number of reasons, even though the facts call out for justice. But, sometimes the brazenness of a local government's land grab so sho ...
My handy-dandy Idiom Dictionary says the expression "for the birds" describes something "worthless" and "undesirable." The dictionary goes on to explain the etymology as "based on the idea that birds eat seed, which is not worth much." (It may also have a somewhat scatological foundation, but we'll leave that conversation starter for a less-hig ...