Today, the president is signing an executive order designed to bring more accountability to federal agencies. This executive order comes partly as a result of PLF research and cases battling bureaucratic overreach. PLF client Andy Johnson will be at the signing ceremony. Below is an article from 2016 that Andy wrote describing, in his own words, hi ...
caption id="attachment_46414" align="alignright" width="300" Marquette, Michigan/caption When we last blogged about our Marquette County Road Commission v. EPA case, we reported that we had filed our principal brief opposing the government's efforts to stymie our client's efforts to build a much-needed public road in the upper peninsula of Mich ...
caption id="attachment_46257" align="alignright" width="300" The Treasure State/caption Today Pacific Legal Foundation asked the Ninth Circuit to accept an amicus brief, written on behalf of Mike and Chantell Sackett, as well as John Duarte and Duarte Nursery, supporting the defendant in United States v. Joseph David Robertson. The issue we comm ...
We've all seen the images of election day euphoria from places scattered around the globe. Citizens in nations freed from the yoke of oppression lining up for hours to cast their first (and hopefully not last) votes. People celebrating in the streets as a hated dictator is forever banished from the political scene (and perhaps not replaced with ano ...
This past week, Pacific Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief in federal district court supporting the Marquette County Road Commission as it seeks to build a needed road across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan despite the EPA's arbitrary and capricious objections. Our Atlantic Center summer law clerk summarized the case in a blogpost recently ...
Yesterday, Townhall published my op-ed highlighting the importance of PLF's big, unanimous Supreme Court win in our Hawkes case (and its predecessor, Sackett) and whether these cases foreshadow anything for one of our cases currently pending before the Court. As regular readers know, the Supreme Court ruled in PLF's favor in Hawkes, holding that C ...
As regular readers know, PLF argued a case in the Supreme Court of the United States last week, U.S. Army Corps v. Hawkes Co., concerning whether property owners can have their day in court when the federal government declares their land subject to federal control. During the oral argument, Justice Kennedy -- long-considered the "swing justice" on ...
Several weeks ago, the New York Times ran a front page article about the Andy Johnson's stock pond and the EPA compliance order threatening him with more than $16 million in fines. Here's a taste: The sun was sinking and the brook trout were biting, so Andy Johnson and his daughter Aspen, 6, stepped onto their sun-bleached pier, hooked some mealwo ...
Andy Johnson owns eight acres of land in Fort Bridger, Wyoming, where he's made his family's home and raises livestock. A small stream crosses his property and provides water for his livestock, as it has for prior owners going back decades. In 2012, he erected a small dam on the stream to create a stock pond to provide more reliable, safer access t ...