American Alliance for Equal Rights v. Pritzker

Fighting for equality and educational opportunity for future teachers in Illinois

Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of the American Alliance for Equal Rights (AAER) challenging the race-based criteria used by the Illinois Student Assistance Corporation when awarding state-funded scholarships to future Illinois teachers. ...

MAID v. State of Montana

Defending the “Montana Miracle” and the right to build on your property

With free representation by Pacific Legal Foundation, Clancy and David sought to join the case as intervenors to defend their property rights against MAID's misguided efforts to thwart sound, market-based solutions to the state's housing crisis. ...

Amy Cao et al. v. Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology

Manicurists and nail salon owners fight for their right to a trial by jury

Licensed cosmetologist Amy Cao, represented by Pacific Legal Foundation and the Pelican Institute, is fighting back in a state lawsuit to affirm the right to jury trials to challenge licensing board fines. ...

Pilling v. City of Healdsburg, CA

Entrepreneur mom fights zoning extortion to build new housing in California

Inclusionary zoning fees make building more expensive. Making something more expensive does not make it more affordable. ...

Movie Productions v. National Labor Relations Board

NLRB’s in-house tribunal undermines fairness and rule of law

Labor disputes should be treated like any other legal dispute, not in an agency tribunal where the normal fixed rules of due process are not guaranteed. PLF is representing Producer David Wulf free of charge in a federal lawsuit challenging the NLRB's decision and its sham court that stripped his right to a fair trial. ...

Foreclosure Large
In re Petition of Manistee County Treasurer for Foreclosure

Fighting home equity theft in Michigan’s unlawful claims process

Chelsea is asking the Michigan Supreme Court to finish what it started in Rafaeli and confirm her right to just compensation without complicated claims procedures and unreasonably tight deadlines.  ...

theDove, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission

Nonprofit radio station owner fights FCC’s public shaming rule

Perry is fighting back with a federal lawsuit challenging the FCC's race-and-sex-reporting rule to help restore the separation of powers in government and protect the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection of the laws. ...

Urban Artifact Beer
Urban Artifact v. Col. Christopher Paris

Fighting Pennsylvania’s unfair restrictions on out-of-state craft breweries

Represented at no charge by Pacific Legal Foundation, Urban Artifact is challenging Pennsylvania's unjust beer shipping restrictions that discriminate in favor of in-state breweries and burdens those located out –of state.  ...

Fisher AL
Russo v. Raimondo

Florida fishermen challenge constitutionality of fishery management councils

When a new regulation makes life worse for commercial fishermen, those fishermen have little recourse—because fishing regulations come from a confusing, multi-layered combination of federal and state bureaucrats with little accountability to either voters or the president. That system is unconstitutional, and two Florida fishermen are challengin ...