Supreme Court to hear PLF's First Amendment challenge to political apparel ban PLF presents oral argument on challenge to access regulation in the Ninth Circuit Since the Feds get to regulate "species" and "subspecies," shouldn't we have an understandable definition of "species" and "subspecies"? If seaweed is private property, that's ...
Interior Secretary Zinke Recommends Bears Ears Reduction Indian River County School Board responds to public outcry, but continues to ignore First Amendment California Supreme Court protects private property Class Action action Florida family loses property rights' case in Florida appellate court Telling truth to tort Supreme ...
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that private property shall not be taken "for public use, without just compensation." The just compensation requirement safeguards private property rights by ensuring that the government cannot take property on a whim. But who defines what constitutes "just compensation?" That is the question ...
Privacy and property rights WOTUS at the Tenth Circuit District Court setback in anti-discrimination suit Procedural victory in Jaguar case Procedural victory from Ninth Circuit in sea otter case Defending property against made up public rights caption id="" align="alignright" width="254" James Otis defended privacy rights a ...
caption id="attachment_36139" align="alignright" width="355" The State of Indiana and Town of Long Beach want to gobble private property for free. Photo licensed via a Creative Commons 2 license at Wiki Commons by Bobisbob./caption The shoreline of the Great Lakes has given rise to many interesting property rights disputes between property owner ...
caption id="attachment_28402" align="alignright" width="254" James Madison/caption Time after time, the federal government refuses to follow the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The government designates land as "critical habitat" despite not meeting the ESA definition for critical habitat. And in another example, the government refuses to remove pla ...
Tulsa resident Denise Morrison is suing city officials after they tore up her garden because of alleged municipal code violations. As this video reveals, however, Morrison had actually read the ordinance, solicited clarification on what specifically was wrong with her garden, and was preparing for a court hearing on the matter when the city cut d ...