
Weekly litigation report — Property rights, school choice, free speech, and more

December 15, 2018 | By JAMES BURLING

Public land stewards reiterate that the president can reduce the size of national monuments Briefing is now complete on the motion to dismiss Utah Diné Bikéyah v. Trump, a case that challenges the president's ability to reduce the size of national monuments. PLF represents individuals and non-profit organizations that recreate, work, and volun ...


Weekly litigation report — March 10, 2018

March 10, 2018 | By JAMES BURLING

Supreme Court grants hugely important property rights case! For over thirty years PLF attorneys have been trying to put an end to the infamous "Williamson County" rule that stops property owners from going to federal court to vindicate their constitutionally guaranteed property rights. Named after a 1985 case where the Court refused to hear a ta ...


Pennsylvania Supreme Court enables school district’s bad behavior

August 11, 2017 | By CALEB TROTTER

This week the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided Discovery Charter School v. School District of Philadelphia. As we discussed last year, Discovery is a successful Philadelphia school that serves grades K-8. In light of its students' academic success, Discovery amassed a waiting list of 1,448 hopeful new students. In 2012, Discovery sought permis ...


Palm Lane Elementary will finally convert to a charter school

July 30, 2017 | By CALEB TROTTER

In April, the California Court of Appeal affirmed a victory won by parents of students at Anaheim's Palm Lane Elementary School. The parents had used California's "parent trigger" law to petition to have the perpetually failing school converted into a charter school, but the school district sued the parents to stop the petition and conversion. Earl ...


U.S. Supreme Court rules that some taxpayer funded benefits are available to religious institutions

June 27, 2017 | By MERIEM L. HUBBARD

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a win for the Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia.  The question in the case against the State of Missouri, was whether the State violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment by refusing to allow the Church to participate in a program offering rubber surfacing material to nonprofit organization ...


Weekly litigation report — April 29, 2017

April 29, 2017 | By JAMES BURLING

Supreme Court requests further briefing in affordable housing case Victory in Anaheim parent-trigger case Brief opposing EPA regulatory overkill Senate hearing addresses PLF wetlands case WOTUS at SCOTUS Wolf Releases Revived Supreme Court requests further briefing in affordable housing case At least some of the justices at ...


Victory in Anaheim parent trigger law case

April 28, 2017 | By CALEB TROTTER

A little over a year ago we wrote about a maddening case in Anaheim, California. In 2015, a group of elementary school parents sought to take advantage of California's Parent Empowerment Act (the "parent trigger") to force the Anaheim City School District to convert their children's continually failing school into an independently operated charter ...


Anaheim school district soon to be in court

January 27, 2017 | By CALEB TROTTER

Last year, PLF and Parent Revolution joined forces to support a group of elementary school parents who were sued by the Anaheim school district. What did the parents do to warrant legal action? As we previously discussed, they invoked California's Parent Empowerment Act, also known as the "parent trigger," and petitioned to convert Palm Lane Eleme ...


Pennsylvania public school tries to evade competition (again!)

January 26, 2017 | By WENCONG FA

Second verse, same as the first! We know that teachers' unions have some serious lobbying power. And we know they use this power to insulate public schools from competition. Take Pennsylvania, where school districts have repeatedly used (and abused) their power to handicap successful charter schools. Two years ago, PLF litigated in support o ...