PLF announced today that, on behalf of Morning Star Packing Company, the National Tax Limitation Committee, and several other clients, it will ask the California Supreme Court to review the decision of the court of appeal, that the billions of dollars which the California Air Resources Board is collecting, by auctioning off greenhouse gas emissions ...
Today the California Court of Appeal issued this disappointing ruling in Morning Star Packing Co. v. California Air Resources Board. Our clients are challenging the state's greenhouse gas emissions allowance auction under Proposition 13, which requires a supermajority vote for new taxes. We are profoundly disappointed that a majority of the Cour ...
Next Tuesday I will be arguing on behalf of Morning Star Packing Co., the National Tax Limitation Committee, and several other clients in PLF's challenge to California's unconstitutional auction of air emissions permits. This case will determine whether California can continue raising billions in illegal taxes by auctioning off permits that compani ...
Imagine your state limited the number of drivers licenses to less than those already issued, in order to reduce greenhouse emissions (which many argue raise global temperatures). And then, it sold the right to your license at auction to the highest bidder. How much would you be willing to bid just to keep your drivers license? Do you have enough ...
You read that correctly. Today, California motorists have the right to buy as much gasoline as they want, and fuel companies have the right to sell as much as they can supply, at prices agreeable to both. But in the New Year, California will limit sales of gasoline, diesel, and natural gas and propane for business and home use. The California ...
It was only a matter of time. On the heels of the Cap-and Trade Regulation, on May 22, 2014, the California Air Resources Board adopted a regulatory plan that is so severe and so inimical to the interests of the state that it almost defies description. Officially refered to as the First Update of the AB 32 Scoping Plan, the new regulatory s ...