caption id="attachment_46278" align="alignright" width="300" CCC: You must build a wall to last 75 years, but we might make you tear it down in 20./caption Today, Thomas Frick and the heirs of Barbara Lynch filed this petition, asking the California Supreme Court to grant rehearing in Lynch v. California Coastal Commission. In that decision ...
When the California Supreme Court invalidated yet another arbitration contract in yesterday's McGill v. Citibank decision, I explained that a cert petition would almost certainly follow. PLF has supported many, many cert petitions challenging California's anti-arbitration rules because we believe that competent adults have the freedom to contract t ...
caption id="attachment_45182" align="alignright" width="300" Worth the paper it's printed on?/caption Sharon McGill sued Citibank under California's consumer protection laws for alleged unfair competition and false advertising in offering a credit insurance plan she purchased to protect her Citibank credit card account. McGill signed a contract th ...
Patricia Atalese signed a contract with a financial services firm, in which she agreed that "any claim or dispute" between herself and the firm, related to the services provided, "shall be submitted to binding arbitration upon the request of either party" and "any decision of the arbitrator shall be final and may be entered into judgment in any cou ...