Foster Farms v. EPA

Federal government continues to abuse Clean Water Act to micromanage property owners

Ron Foster is asking the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse the district court’s failure to apply the correct legal standard mandated by Sackett II.

HR Ewell, Inc. v. EPA

Clean Air Act illegally gives California control over federal emissions standards

Calvin and H.R. Ewell are fighting back with a federal lawsuit to restore the separation of powers principle that only federal officials, not California or any other states, can create federal regulations.

Alaska Forest Association v. Rollins

The U.S. Forest Service’s “rule by fiat” clearcuts Alaskan timber livelihoods and the rule of law

Kirk, Eric, and the Alaska Forest Association are challenging the Forest Service’s blatant attempt to circumvent Congress.

Hiran Management v. NLRB

NLRB’s in-house tribunal undermines fairness and rule of law

Nick and Hiran Management are now fighting back with a federal appeal of both the NLRB’s final decision and the agency’s unconstitutional exercise of judicial power through its in-house tribunal system.

Amy Cao et al. v. Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology

Manicurists and nail salon owners fight for their right to a trial by jury

Licensed cosmetologist Amy Cao, represented by Pacific Legal Foundation and the Pelican Institute, is fighting back in a state lawsuit to affirm the right to jury trials to challenge licensing board fines.

Movie Productions v. National Labor Relations Board

NLRB’s in-house tribunal undermines fairness and rule of law

Labor disputes should be treated like any other legal dispute, not in an agency tribunal where the normal fixed rules of due process are not guaranteed. PLF is representing Producer David Wulf free of charge in a federal lawsuit challenging the NLRB’s decision and its sham court that stripped his right to a fair trial.

theDove, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission

Nonprofit radio station owner fights FCC’s public shaming rule

Perry is fighting back with a federal lawsuit challenging the FCC’s race-and-sex-reporting rule to help restore the separation of powers in government and protect the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection of the laws.

Fisher AL
Russo v. Raimondo

Florida fishermen challenge constitutionality of fishery management councils

When a new regulation makes life worse for commercial fishermen, those fishermen have little recourse—because fishing regulations come from a confusing, multi-layered combination of federal and state bureaucrats with little accountability to either voters or the president. That system is unconstitutional, and two Florida fishermen are challenging it in court. 

Iliamna Natives Limited, et al. v. EPA

Alaska Natives fight EPA roadblock to economic and social progress

Iliamna and Alaska Peninsula are fighting back to rein in the EPA’s overreach so they can promote Alaska Natives’ self-determination and socio-economic development while protecting their Native culture and traditions through agreements with the mine operators. Represented at no charge by Pacific Legal Foundation, they are challenging the EPA’s so-called veto authority as a violation of the Constitution’s separation of powers.