G.H. is fighting back with a federal equal protection challenge to restore equal treatment and educational opportunity for all students, regardless of race.
Nourish Our Neighbors is fighting back with a federal lawsuit challenging the Dayton, Ohio's unlawful permit mandates on charity work.
Represented by Pacific Legal Foundation free of charge, Shellye Horowitz and Dr. McBride are challenging California’s licensing law that threatens patients’ access to necessary, specialized medical care and rights of qualified specialists to treat them.
Heather Swanson believes that the ability of mothers to choose where and how to give birth is an important right. Yet these foundational freedoms are under siege by a Nebraska law that defies logic and basic human rights. It is the only state to outright ban CNMs from home births; failure to comply is a felony. Meanwhile, lay midwives and doulas, which are wholly unregulated by the state, face no such restrictions. Represented free of charge by Pacific Legal Foundation, she is fighting back with a federal challenge to Nebraska’s law. A win would alleviate the burden on the state’s childbirth system, allow CNMs to provide midwifery free of arbitrary restriction, and add a safe new layer of choice for expecting mothers.