Entrepreneurship, innovation, and real estate are a part of Derek Eisenberg's DNA. He grew up in a family of homebuilders and entered the real estate industry straight out of grad school. He began appraising in the 1990s and later joined several private property sale databases known as the Multiple Listing Service, or MLS, in Mid-Atlantic and New E ...
Entrepreneurship, innovation, and real estate are a part of Derek Eisenberg's DNA. He grew up in a family of homebuilders and entered the real estate industry straight out of grad school. He began appraising in the 1990s and later joined several private property sale databases known as the Multiple Listing Services or MLS, in Mid-Atlantic and New E ...
Government regulatory boards are common for countless professions throughout the country. For the legal profession, most states have a government-sanctioned, mandatory membership organization to oversee regulation and bar admissions. Some of these entities also focus on ethics and professional development. The West Virgina State Bar serves thi ...
Sandy Chiong knows what it means to fight for freedom. Her grandfathers immigrated from China to Cuba, where they met and married Sandy's grandmothers. Her family later fled Cuba after Castro's takeover, seeking liberty in America. This history shaped Sandy's deep appreciation for constitutional rights and her commitment to defending them. Tod ...
McKahla (Red) Moran started Nourish Our Neighbors in 2022, driven by a simple, yet powerful belief: Grassroots action can transform communities. Armed with a mission to alleviate hardships endured by the most vulnerable residents of Dayton, Ohio, the organization's volunteer members got to work providing free food to the hungry. Rather than en ...
Aerospace Solutions brings specialized staffing expertise to aerospace technology. Like most companies in the field, Aerospace's success depends on having a fair, competitive shot to win state contracts. In 2021, inspired by the state's reputation for entrepreneurship, Aerospace Solutions relocated to Austin, TX. The company already had earned ...
Government regulatory boards are commonplace for countless professions throughout the country. Boards governing healthcare professions are among the most prevalent, tasked with protecting citizens' health and safety in all states and several U.S. territories. Tennessee medical practitioners fall under the purview of the Tennessee Board of Medi ...
According to a recent report, Washington State has one the most severe housing shortages in the nation. More than a million new homes are needed over the next 20 years to make up for the immediate and future shortage. Currently, surging demand continues to outpace supply, and housing remains extremely expensive compared to much of the U.S. To ...
In 1992 Illinois lawmakers passed legislation creating the Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship Program (MTI). Its purported aim was to alleviate a teacher shortage by recruiting minority students to pursue teaching careers at Pre-K through high school levels. It awards scholarships of up to $7,500 per year for tuition, fees, room & boa ...