Licensed cosmetologist Amy Cao, represented by Pacific Legal Foundation and the Pelican Institute, is fighting back in a state lawsuit to affirm the right to jury trials to challenge licensing board fines.
Labor disputes should be treated like any other legal dispute, not in an agency tribunal where the normal fixed rules of due process are not guaranteed. PLF is representing Producer David Wulf free of charge in a federal lawsuit challenging the NLRB’s decision and its sham court that stripped his right to a fair trial.
Represented by Pacific Legal Foundation at no charge, KC Transport is asking the Supreme Court to abrogate the Chevron Step One-and-a-Half doctrine and decide the scope of MSHA’s authority under the Mine Act, and thus strengthen the separation of powers by limiting MSHA’s grandiose view of its own power.
Even for Grant’s small restaurant group, hiking eggs’ cost by even one cent could force Grant either to cut costs elsewhere or raise prices just to pay the bills and keep the doors open. Despite the direct impact on their bottom lines, neither Grant nor any of his fellow restaurateurs had a seat at the rulemaking table. Nor did voters or lawmakers; instead, the state’s prominent egg producers wanted it on their own terms. Represented at no charge by Pacific Legal Foundation and the Goldwater Institute, Grant is fighting back with a state lawsuit challenging AZDA’s illegal power grab to protect livelihoods and restore the rule of law for all Arizonans.
Represented in federal court at no charge by Pacific Legal Foundation, Frank is challenging the illegal regulatory scheme that outsources congressional lawmaking, judicial adjudication, and executive enforcement powers to a quasi-governmental organization to restore his due process rights, his livelihood, and the proper balance of power in government.
Jeffrey Moats served as CEO for the Edinburg Teachers Credit Union (ETCU) in South Texas for more than 25 years. Under his leadership, the ETCU was almost always the state’s top performer among credit unions of all sizes and surpassed every semi-annual state audit. The ETCU’s board of directors and ownership (comprised of the credit union’s members) alike praised Moats’ management skills and the ETCU’s resulting stellar performance.
With a quarter-century ban on the work that she loves and her due process rights on the line, Sarra is fighting back. Represented by Pacific Legal Foundation and the Goldwater Institute, Sarra is asking a state court to restore due process protections in administrative hearings and hold government agencies and bureaucrats accountable for their mistreatment of citizens.
Maureen and John are challenging the Census Bureau’s overreach, so no Americans are ever again forced to choose between huge fines and their right to keep their personal information private.